Showing posts with label Quakers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quakers. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 August 2013

There is No Plan B Anglicans/Catholics/Charismatics!!!

15 August 2013 at 10:44 Facebook
I. There is no plan B.
When the Jews died in the wilderness. They died in the wilderness. Their entire call was to make it through to their own land. It wasn't for them to suddenly think, you know, I rather fancy the other side of the Mediterranean. (Actually, ever noticed Julius Caesar called Greeks "Danaos" from the tribe of Dan...who formed Greece?)
Catholicism and Anglicanism have played dosey doe with the charismatic revelation that earlier, when it was just the pentecostals, they tried to crush underfoot. But there is no plan B. God won't think up some alternative just for Anglicans and Catholics. They either go with it, or their churches will be bought by rug sales merchants, or made into bijou apartment blocks. You don't give up on the CLOUD or the PILLAR OF FIRE, and look for an alternative style of God from a menu sheet. God doesn't ask you whether His pillar of fire matches your decor. There is no plan B. This is the last call, before the Titanic sinks. If we were called to a Plan B, why not a Plan C, and a billion other plans. That actually is the world system anyway. God had only one Plan. Follow Him. Where He is now. Not where He was in 300AD or 1500 or 1870, or 1960. He only knows NOW, He is the I AM.

II. There is no Plan B. The Jews had their charismatic movement. They were baptised "into Moses" under a pillar of fire and cloud. Those in pentecostal and charismatic churches today, or watching God TV must realise there is no Plan B. There is only one heavenly blueprint or heavenly tabernacle which is the narrow way of God into Himself...who is super broad!!! The blue priint goes approximately like this...and these are the earthly copies...brazen altar/laver...dive undercover into the Holy Place, go right through that into the Holiest Place of all where God actually dwells.
And history has taken those exact steps. There is no Plan B. Luther flagged up the brazen altar of Christ. No going through priests. That spiritual knowledge changed everything down here too...because one individual became important. And within decades democracy was born.
The Laver was the 1600s and the Baptists. The Quakers and Pentecostals pushed on into the Holy place. But they got out their deckchairs, sunned themselves and died in the wilderness. When was the last Quaker or Pentecostal building you saw? Friends Meeting House just about hangs on in London. Most Pentecostal tin huts are now sold off, demolished or empty. Or moved with the cloud a bit, like Kensington Temple in London.
In every town in most regions of the world there is a modern "wilderness" congregation, believing approximately along the lines of the Holy place. They have their Holy Spirit style of worship, and though some are huge.There are African ones of 30,000 or more. There is the big South Korean one which has just split into some sattellites down from 800,000. But it's all Plan B. The Quakers were also very big in the 1600s. They even went and formed a new nation!!! A small one, called America. But Quakers are still Plan B, and almost dead.
See, Plan A is Christ being formed in us as us. If you want to check that out, check the very last box in the Holy of Holies. The one with the pot of manna(which came fresh remember, delivered every morning, but twice on Fridays by divine delivery.But they didn't do sabbath deliveries.) Not only that , the 10 Commandment stones weren't like the modern stonehenge in America, the Guidestones....standing on the grass somewhere...NOPE they are inside the Box. God Himself is becomingthe Keeper of all those Laws within you in Christ. There is no plan B. You can't invent another version of Christianity like Anglicanism or Catholicism. From the moment you signed up by faith, you proclaimed Death to your very own religion on a placard. PLAN A is God forming Himself on your insides, such that He becomes a permanent Resident, with His Personal Glory hovering overhead in everything you are and do. But it's Him dong it and working it. The heat is on Him. You do the believing. So stopping short in the wilderness like charismatics, and just doing your meetings, when God has a whole Land for you to walk about in , Him as you, doesn't really cut it. And the proof is in those rug sales shops in the Quaker meeting rooms, and the ailing members in the Word of faith conferences, all puffing on their asthmatic inhalers at 80 years of age.
There is no Plan B. Jesus said, before you even began the Tower, you should have looked to see if you had enough to complete it. because halfbuilt towers strewn all over the landscape as memorials to previous Wilderness dwellers, just get laughed at. On "Vicar of Dibley" reruns.
Jesus said "Take care what measure you use, for by that measure it will be measured back to you."
The Ephesians "measure" is very different from the Catholic, Anglican, and charismatic measure. Chapters 1 to 3 are in fact about your death and resurrection IN Christ. Catholics and Anglicans as everybody knows on Vicar of Dibley, are very much alive. Exactly as they ever were. The gospel says you have completely died at your inner centre, and been raised with Christ. This kind of measure gets God measuring Himself back to You in Acacia Box type measurement devices in the Holiest place of all....7 pieces of heavenly furniture in. Which means your generation won't have to die again. because you have died already, and it is not you who now live but Christ living in you. (Galations 2:20)

Georgia Guidestones :

Saturday 30 July 2011

Quarbyists and Brethrakers

Pictures taken from interior and exterior of Mayflower barn,built from the Pilgrims Mayflower ship timbersThe property was sold by the Quakers in 2006

Quarbyists and Brethrakers

by Chris Welch on Thursday, 14 July 2011 at 14:35 on Facebook

Since God let the whole New Covenant seed fall into the ground and die a death, because it still contained dead religious works seed, then began again with Luther a raising up of a Church "come down out of heaven", we as a New Covenant people have been trekking along the by now familiar furniture of the Heavenly Sanctuary. The brazen altar of the one time Exchange of Life that took place in the Body of Jesus on the Cross.

The Laver of God's Word where we see mirrored our glorious new Indweller, Christ.

Then came the tricky bit. Forgotten by most for hundreds of years....

How do you do this bit again? Aaaah. You don't. The Holy Spirit does. You see there is no natural light in the next bit. It's the Holy Place. The one before the Holiest Place which is the final destination.

The Holy Place is only lit by the candlestick. Nuffink else.

And in here we have stayed , in different manifestations, for hundreds of years now.

The early discoveries of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit were made in the Quaker movement. Hence the quaking and the shaking.....initially through godly terror coming on those saving themselves from much of what was around at the period: Free- for- all fornication, drunkenness, gambling...

Shortly after came the Darby movement of Brethren. Their enlightenment about the Word is very like today's Fred Pruitt or Andre Rabe or Francois DuToit. They were an incredible missionary movement, who firmly believed now we have the Word in all its fulness....and their skilful expositions , was it ever full?, that we had absolutely no need whatsoever for the supernatural and the manifestations of the Spirit. We are mature now.

If you took Ole's Pillar of fire and Cloud exposition to extremes that's what you'd end up with. You can read it on my blog.

The reason I've squashed up the two main exponents of this area of God's tabernacle into one weird mish mash in the title is this.

For next to 2 centuries we haven't advanced in real terms at all in the Body of Christ. Because nothing new has been uncovered. The Quakers and the Brethren are both joined at the hip in this respect too.

Both movements uncovered the true structure of the Kingdom of God. i.e. Pretty well none!!!!

In the Holy Place we really are functioning not just as Luther said in theory, here everyone really was behaving as a Kingdom of priests.Anybody could have a "hatha". King James says each one hatha gift (1 Corinthians 12)

Brethren and Quakers were NO END of trouble for salaried hirelings of the Kingdom in all the previous sects. Their way of operating was utterly offensive and threatening. What if all Christians behaved in this way. I wouldn't get my salary, then I'd have to go out and work for a living?!!!?

The pentecostal movement of the 20th Century insisted on an experience with the Holy Spirit, but this was just a stronger echo of the Continental Pietist movement. The charismatic movement of the 1960s was a kind of "catchup" rerun of earlier movements to collar more of those in denominations, and quicken them to some spiritual realities.


The twin revelations of the Holy Place are these. And they are both sides of the coin .

Darby = the 12 pieces of shewbread as revealed in the Light of the Holy Spirit's candlesticks, the enlightened Word.

Quakers were more forcibly contemplative and proactively waiting on the Living Holy Spirit to "move " a person to express a gift of the Spirit. This definitely errs more to the candlestick of the Holy Spirit directly.

And do you know something? If you attend an Andre Rabe event, or a Francois event, or invite Fred Pruitt round, this is largely what you'll get....a Holy Place format, almost Brethren dish, served up with piping hot Christ to nourish you and propel you onwards. Much the same as the Brethren.

So what changed?

This is personal opinion. Others may want to add to this.

I would say nothing in Christendom really changed in terms of the corporate until two men did something slightly different. One man, face down in an Episcopal crypt for months on end. The other a retired missionary of WEC.

First the crypt

Graham Pulkingham was totally totally broken at his own powerlessness as an Episcopal Minister surrounded by a broken area of downtown Houston. Like the priests in Joel 2, his brokenness led him to crisis encounter...I believe in his person, he experienced the death and resurrection of Christ in real terms, the way a lot of us on Facebook now have. In that openness of spirit he found his way to David Wilkerson's office and the rest as they say is history....EXCEPT FOR THIS DETAIL....

What raised itself around Graham was unlike David Wilkerson, who remained a rather singular character to the end of his prophetic days.....

No, around Graham was something i dont really think we've seen much. Perhaps a bit with Mel Tari in the Indonesian Revival. This was a supernatural body of people packed with Holy Spirit anointing moving and living together, not just giving gifts to each other in meetings like Darby and Quakers...

No, this was getting to be an early glimpse of the sort of Body Act2 was. They didn't go to meetings. They were all an individual meeting with the Living Saviour, who when they reassembled were a collective powerhouse of God which couldnt help but hoover people into the Kingdom around them. And when they left the States, one of the first places they hoovered was our school and neighbourhood! That's why I have the Vision of the Church in my very insides to dragoon you with. I was a hoovered to speak. In that moment I saw the Kingdom and I have operated in that Melchizedek Kingdom ever since, although most of those around me have stayed put in their previous incarnations thinking that because God once blessed, they too are still following the Melchizedek order. Phooey. It's moved on!

This way of ministering blows out of the water Morris Cerullo, Rheinhard Bonnke,David name your favorite Power preacher....Oh Fred doesn't have one, I forgot....

Acts 2 clearly states that Peter standing with the eleven, began to speak.....

THIS IS A DIFFERENT ORDER OF MINISTRY BECAUSE YOU ALL HAVE TO BE ONE AND YOU ALL HAVE TO CARRY THE ANOINTING. Which today is tough on 2 counts. We're not single eyed enough to be in the Unity of the Faith and secondly very few carry an active know, the one that does the supernatural!!

Secondly - The Retired missionary

His name ofcourse Norman Grubb.

Before this, who honestly knew about "separation".

Separation is the terrible terrible deadly virus that bit us in genesis 3. The lie that there is such a thing as a God out there, as distinct from the very life I am living now. "If you would be like God..." said the do this.

Well firstly we could never be like God, because all we ever were was particular branch manifestations of VINE life, how else are we going to have power to exist? There is only one self-existent one in the universe. There is indeed ONLY ONE life in the universe. Everything else, though used for its own ends, is but a derivation of that ONE PURE LIFE IN GOD.Secondly we don't gain God if we could by works, and we can't cos we're already connected...

This mystery you will have to read more about in Norman Grubb's final book Yes I Am.See my blog.I have no room here.

So what do these 2 advances mean?

What do these advances MEAN? You're kidding me! This plus the discoveries of David Swan and Ed Miller who are seeing all this from the heavenly angle are nothing less than the Corporate Entry into the HOLIEST PLACE. Because Norman Grubb wasnt ever baptised in the Spirit he never really saw church other than what it was in his lifetime, a disparate group of 3rdlevellers going around the odd group here and there all over the world, raisng up mature individuals in Christ. He had no concept of what the charismatic movement had really been preparing the world for.

A corporate empowered Body with a 3rd level vision encapsulated in my last blogpost The Lord's Prayer as Template : The Apocalypse and the Unveiling of Christ.

You see, though Graham Pulkingham could share about his experience of the death and resurrection of Christ in his being....he was too early to have twinned with Norman Grubb on all the theory. And John Wimber could have been the man in the eighties, but none of their groups would allow Nancy Gilmore to share, so John remained backward as well. Listen folks, i'm all for honoring God's servants, because John Wimber did take things a stage further from Graham Pulkingham, but , like the Bible, when it comes to my own life in particualr and now anybody elses I call a spade a spade. It's the quickest way. And John Wimber's crowd were just too arrogant and not desperate enough to listen to Nancy Gilmore . Who knows? Thirty years ago, had they done so, would any of us be bothering to write all this down now?

Possibly a third major new thing?

Perhaps there is something else too. Christian media notwithstanding. In 1976, with the new found vision of an empowered Body of Christ, fed by newly rediscovered supernatural ministries of Apostle and prophet a man called Ern Baxter in the Dales Bible Week did something different. He called everyone into their local tribes . Because we are geographical ambassadors for the King. We each have a patch!!!! And as local churches in an area, we are meant to have spiritual rulership...because right now in the heavenlies we DO! And to my knowledge the first ever serious bit of Ephesians 6 corporate warfare was carried out in the Spirit, and by Spirit direction.

This pattern was developed further in the 90s through the ministry of Peter Wagner and was mainly directed at all the inhospitable regions of the 10/40 window. God appeared to many in those areas sovereignly, without human intervention. He also raised up Rory and Wendy in particular to set up sattellite TV in a more global way than ever before. Now though I've explained the third level with them for an hour 6 months before they even knew about being called to raise up God TV, at present they are sticking firmly to first and secondlevel revelation of Christianity. What I have mentioned above.Christianity that takes us up to around 1800 or 1900. In other words, even with Rick Joyner involved, way, way, past its sell by date.

As Andre Ousterhuizen, Francois DuToit and many others will say...."Why bother with a christianiity that doesn't go beyond the veil? Does nobody know the veil was ripped from top to bottom. We can all go in now?" Yes saints. But not just as an individual expression. There is a whole corporate expression of the same truth!

  • Paul Noble
    as I know something of the Brethren I will chip in here! They did experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit including healing at the beginning but closed them down because they thought it was drawing attention to themselves. They believed and... practiced the priesthood of all believers and waiting on the Holy Spirit but rapidly split as prominent teachers became the focus and the same old pyramids grew up I of Paul I of Derby Etc.See more
    14 July at 16:13 · · 1 personRichard Epps likes this.
  • Chris Welch Dear Rich...and Linda..I think you've got some of the gist of what you have to "do"...that is very little...i think you've been going along the path He wanted you to. Rather than take away anything, any Word that I m bringing is in the spirit of the 2 Peter 1:5 list and "to your faith add..."but this list wont help much because it is another individual list which for 20 Centuries the church has been really good at.
    14 July at 21:10 ·
  • Chris Welch Whoops pressed the return I'll carry on
    14 July at 21:10 ·
  • Chris Welch
    There are two ways God is building His House, 3 if you include the St Paul method. There's the Quarry method, as in Solomon's Temple, where all the work is done off site. And there is the Ezekiel bones method of "bones rattling as they join... together." This is the disciples and Jesus, and the disciples and Acts 2 method, and this across the whole earth is also the natural family norm. St Paul was a hybrid, being all but a murderer of Christians his name didnt come up onthe short list for church membership to most Judean churches anyway. So (probably lucky for us) He had some one to one time with the best teacher of all, Jesus. Then he filled out his revelation with some church life. Mine was in reverse.See more
    14 July at 21:16 · · 2 peopleLoading...
  • Chris Welch
    It's OK getting stuff individually as most of our generation have had to do, but as a method for dispersing seed it really sucks. In tuning terms it's a bit like stopping at middle C (the first note) and trying to convince someone that you' tuned the whole piano.Next comes the octave. This is the blueprint church, which like the disciples in terms of churchlife, took 3 years. Then when the central octave is done you wait for the parthians and all the others to visit Jerusalem for a Feast, and you inundate the lot of them in a drunken massive hit of worship, glory and Presence, and then let the "central octave" try to explain that one away without collapsing John Crowder style on the floor

Friday 20 August 2010

Members One of Another: Part 1 by Daniel Yordy

Members One of Another: Part 1

By Daniel Yordy – August 15, 2010
PDF Version for printing and distribution

"We, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another." Romans 12:5

"For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body . . . and have all been made to drink into one Spirit. For in fact the body is not one member but many." 1 Corinthians 12:12-14

"That they all may be one, (just) as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me." John 17: 21-23

"Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us." Romans 15:7

"Love one another with a pure heart fervently." 1 Peter 1:22

Here is the greatest power in the universe unleashed upon this earth. Here is the focal point of all the intention and purpose of God coming down onto one tiny point. Here is the transition between the two ages. Here is the foundation and the birthing of all that is the age to come.

Everyone assumes they "know" what this love is; few have ever tasted it. We know that none have practiced it because the ages have not changed.

So long as this level of love and relationship is not our continual way of living, we remain in darkness and deception.

Inside of Christian community we came close. Close, but not close enough. Looking back now, I know that we had erected a mighty and impassible barrier between us and this level of love. It was there, and we could glimpse it, but we never tasted it because of the barrier of separation we ourselves had built.

That barrier, that concrete and steel wall, was the order and the hierarchy of relationship in which we moved - apostle, elder, body member. Because that order was fierce and to this day remains inviolable in that same group, we related to one another on the basis of place and position in the pecking order - Always. Yes, there was love in our midst, but pecking order always trumped love - Always. Even when the apostle humbly submitted to the elders, yes it was love, but the whole engagement was still by the pecking order. And the body members, the non-elders always must "know their place."

[But I must say this, those who live in a free-for-all form of Christian relationship are further from knowing true Christian love than we were, even in our in-part expression of church order. Sorry, such a church-order is even worse.]

The last community in which we lived, Blair Valley, was too small to profit from such an arrangement, and by someone's wise counsel, they had removed the elder-body member distinction, and all adults sat together in the elder's meetings. There were only six adults, four of us elders, two non-elders, and three small children. Yet we were a fully recognized wilderness community. To exclude the two wives who were not elders made no sense.

What a world of difference that made. An entire spirit of difficulty that always plagues the communities in the move vanished as if it never existed. Every adult was treated with full respect in government. There was no shadow of "us versus them" as sits upon ALL other move communities to great harm.

[This "us versus them" does far greater harm to those who are elders than to those who are body members. I did not know that all the years I was a "body member," until I sat among the elders myself. There I saw the great damage that had been wrought by this practice in the hearts of those elders whom I had always looked up to. I saw that great harm, but I did not understand it, nor could I credit myself as a sufficient witness or judge.

It was several years later that I sat across from the two leading members from that same group of elders, the apostolic ministry and his wife, here in a living room in Houston, and they said to me that they had begun to see the very same thing I had seen, they had repented of it and confessed their sin to all the communities, but were now no longer welcome - their repentance had challenged the entire pecking order so carefully maintained in the move to this day (he was the third apostle in the move). Then I knew that I had understood this critical truth correctly.]

But still, at Blair Valley, although there was a closeness and a caring for one another that was wonderful, still, there was something that stood between us. I now know what it was. It was "the move" and the "covering" of the apostles. I believe in apostolic covering, I am just convinced that in the move we did not know what a pure apostolic covering was - ever. We could not know it because of the wrong definitions of separation and "place."

It was when my wife and I left that community and the move (and our leaving caused the end of the Blair Valley community), that I tasted of the love and heart relationship that had always eluded our reach. I want to carefully describe what happened. Not to condemn anyone, but to reach for this most precious of truths - Members One of Another.

We were three couples at Blair Valley, husband and wife. One of the couples was an older couple; then the other couple who were closer to our age, but who worked in town to earn some necessary money and came out to the farm only on weekends; and Maureen and I. Because I had not sought the witness of the apostles when we left, we were breaking a spiritual definition. Maureen and the children were already gone when I drove our van with our belongings out the long dirt road to the highway. The older couple accompanied me in their vehicle. Along the way we stopped to do something to my van, the older brother helping me. In our exchange, he spoke something very harshly against me. I replied, "Brother, I'm still a Christian." I do not remember his exact words, but they were to the effect that all spiritual relationship between us was severed, regardless of any fellowship we had enjoyed before. I had received many hard and painful blows all the years I was in the move; that was one of them.

But I want to speak about the other couple, particularly the other brother, who was already in town. He and I had enjoyed a growing relationship of trust and walking together over the years. He had been an elder all the years I had known him, but different from most. He was one of those few (three among hundreds, to be exact) who had always treated me as an equal in every way. He gave me some of the final keys of what it meant to highly regard and respect one another even before we left Blair Valley.

But once we were living in town, this brother and his wife, though they remained in the move, continued to relate to Maureen and myself at the same level of spiritual love and fellowship as before. All the definitions and masks of the move were gone. All that was left was the presence of deep friendship, the anointing of Christ, and the utmost regard and respect for one another.

We left the area a year later, moving hundreds of miles away. I am not good at maintaining relationships over distance, but the closeness of heart between this brother and myself remains to this day at the same level to which it had come.

And understand this, community is a glass house. Once you have lived with people in community for some years, you know them and they know you. There is no hiding of anything. Most church gatherings are filled with smiles and exuberant "love." That's better than nothing, but it is still an outer facade only. But those whom I know from community, I know. And they know me.

We all wear masks. We all present to other Christians the face we want them to see. You do it as much or more than I; don't kid yourself falsely. How do I know that you hide behind masks as much as anyone? Because we're still in this present age. If you had stepped out of this darkness already, the fabric of the universe would already be changed.

And much of our wearing of masks comes out of our creations of the definitions of place and order that come to us from the tree of knowledge, definitions of place and order that we so carefully maintain.

The Quakers defied that whole concept of place and order. They threw it out as nothing more than a masquerade instituting "pride" as the order of society. And that's all it is, and all it will ever be, a masquerade of pride, the wearing of faces.

I want to go on a rabbit trail, here, but I have a specific purpose for this rabbit trail. I want to enlarge our understanding of what this means - Members One of Another. I want to make our understanding as specific as I can.

There is a belief here in the United States that we gained our freedom by fighting and winning the revolutionary war against England. Those who believe this are lied to and lying.

The belief that freedom comes from killing people is a LIE!

But it is a lie that wraps itself all through the warp and woof of this country and every part of the consciousness of most Americans. It is a lie.

If you want to know for certain that the American Revolution had absolutely nothing to do with freedom, just read the first three chapters of Oliver Wiswell by Kenneth Roberts. The American Revolution opposed freedom in every possible way. In reality, it was nothing more than an excuse to kill one's neighbor and to burn down his home.

Yes, the American Revolution brought independence from England, but it did not bring freedom. Freedom came from an entirely different source. The American Revolution was a mighty blow against freedom, but freedom at that time was too strong in America to be so easily destroyed. It would take a far more subtle approach.

The Civil War and its aftermath was an even greater blow against freedom in America than the Revolution had been. The hatred that Lincoln engendered in the hearts of Americans one against the other is incomprehensible. But freedom did not die completely in this country until 1913. From that day until now, America has not known freedom.

The United States of America is NOT a nation of freedom and has not been in any form since 1913. Many other peoples on earth know freedom more than most Americans. The US is an oligarchic dictatorship that pretends to let us vote, and we pretend to chose the face of that dictatorship every four years. It is all a mighty masquerade of pretending. It is all a lie.

Americans say, "Thank God we're free," all the while imagining their chains to be nothing more than emblems of "freedom." Never before in history have a people so clung to the masquerade as tightly and as falsely as Americans do today. And the very statement, "Thank God we're free," is part of the forge upon which those chains are forged. It is all a mental game.

So what is freedom and where did it come from, for it is true that it was tasted here in America for a season and for a time. We do not now know what freedom is, but we maintain its emblems. People mistake the emblems of freedom for the thing itself.

What is freedom?

In the American colonies through the years 1775 and on, the people were split into three nearly equal parts. One third of the colonists chose to take up arms to fight violently against King George. One third of the colonists chose to take up arms to fight violently for King George. And one third of the colonists refused to join either side or to participate in any way in the violence.

If separation from England had been put to a popular vote, the colonies would never have separated. I doubt if the separatists would ever have gotten more than 45% of the vote. Now here is something you were never taught. If the colonists had been allowed to vote for greater FREEDOM completely divorced from the thought of separation from England, the vote for greater freedom would have been more than 95%. Most of those who fought FOR King George and against the rebels were also fighting FOR freedom. They were absolutely convinced that the liars among the rebels were a greater threat to freedom than King George could ever be. They were not wrong.

And here is something else to consider. I have good reason for my belief that if the colonists had been allowed to vote, and if they had voted to stay under King George, freedom would have lasted on this continent much longer than it did.

But neither those who picked up guns to kill their neighbors, either those who fought for "freedom" by fighting for King George, or those who fought for "freedom" by fighting against King George had anything to do with freedom in this country. In fact, all those who chose violence against their neighbor, all of them, were fighting against freedom, no matter how they justified their actions.

Freedom as it was experienced in this country for such a short time in the history of mankind came entirely from the middle group who refused to participate in any way in the murder of their fellow man.

That middle group was an incredibly unique combination never seen in history before or since. Because that large population of peculiar people does not exist anywhere in the world in any size large enough to affect the course of society, the reality of freedom cannot be known again upon this earth. Mankind had one window of opportunity. Only one. God purposed to give us this one taste of freedom so that some of us would understand what freedom is and thus bring freedom to the entire world.

Who was that middle group that refused to kill their neighbors?

Inside that middle group was the largest minority of Quakers and Anabaptists that any place on earth has known before or since.

May I suggest to you that the only taste of freedom that this world has ever known came to us from the Quakers and the Anabaptists, and let me throw this in as well, the Iroquois. This middle group with a huge number of Quakers and Anabaptists lived in the Middle Colonies in proximity to the Iroquois. The hotheads who led the violence were New England "Puritans" on the one side; the leaders of the southern colonies were mostly slavers on the other side.

What is freedom?

Freedom is holding one's neighbor in the utmost respect and regard without thought of any human differences.

Government within many of the Indian tribes in America was based fully on the principle of utmost respect. If you want to see such a thing in action watch Dances with Wolves with Kevin Costner, a worthy education. I suspect that the kind of government you see there was the closest to what God had in mind for the children of Israel.

It was only the Quakers who treated both Indians and African-Americans with utmost respect as people equal in every way to themselves. That respect is freedom.

There is a movie and book of a Quaker woman, named Mary Draper Ingles, who is captured by the Shawnees and eventually escapes. The movie, The Captive, is not on Netflix, so if you want to see it, you have to buy it from Amazon. The reviews that I read all miss the main point of the story. Mary, as a Quaker believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, treats her captors, no matter how savage they appear, with the utmost respect as fellow human beings. Her fellow captives cannot do that. She escapes but must leave her children with the Indians. At the end of the movie, she is back home with her husband when those same Indians appear again on the edge of the clearing. Only this time, they are returning her children to her.

Why? Because of the respect that she showed to them as fellow human beings in spite of her own fear and suffering.

That respect, that high regard for all others as full and equal human beings created in the image of God, IS freedom.

Let me continue. I am getting at something very precise here; I am getting at the very bottom line of "Members One of Another" and how it must overthrow the darkness that grips this world. I don't know that I have ever written anything more important.

It was this respect and high regard for others found among the large Quaker and Anabaptist minority in the colonies out of which freedom flowed to all others. And the only ones I know of today who stand as the last final barrier to unending and open slavery in this country are the Amish. If you and I understood the place that they hold in this regard, we would think entirely differently about the world.

Let me place this definition of freedom on a firm foundation.

The Ten Commandments carved on tablets of stone by the finger of God is the LAW of LOVE and the Foundation of Freedom in disguise. Now, a people who live separately from God, claiming, "All that the Lord says we will do," can only turn those "commandments" into death. And all "Christian" use of the ten commandments in an outward manner is also nothing more than death.

The Ten Commandments are all expressions of property rights. Property rights are the foundation of freedom, but not in the sense of my "fighting others" for my rights. Rather, in the complete opposite sense, my laying down my own life and interests so that I may regard the property rights of others with fullest respect.

What are property rights? "Property" is what I possess as an individual created by God in His image, an individual whom God loves, an individual for whom - alone if there were no others - Christ died to have for Himself as His companion and friend. "Property" is my integrity. "Property" is the value of the blood of Jesus paid to purchase me.

My most important property is my conscience, that is, the integrity of my own personal choice to follow that particular inner light that I choose to follow. This is a right God never violates. The first phrase of the first amendment is not freedom of "religion," it is freedom of conscience. Conscience is the most essential right and property that any human being possesses. That is because when I stand before God in judgment, all other people and all other possessions will not be there with me except one, my conscience, the determination of that "light" I chose to follow. That is why freedom of conscience is placed as the very first of all freedoms.

And that is why Paul's statement, "Those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God," is the most revolutionary political statement ever uttered upon this earth. That statement stands in total defiance of every argument of "authority" in both church and state upon this earth, that the authority that guides every individual man, woman, and child is that Spirit which is inside of them.

"Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah - not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the LORD. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more." Jeremiah 31:31-34

This Covenant promised by God is utter political anarchy from the human point of view. This is the New Covenant; it is the Kingdom of God. And it is how the Quakers alone of all Christian sects understood God's order for His church. This understanding and practice is the source of the measure of freedom that was tasted for a short season here upon this continent.

Consider the Ten Commandments. All the commandments are different ways of saying, "Thou shalt not steal." The first and second commandments are about stealing from God that which belongs to Him. Killing your neighbor is stealing his life, second only in importance to stealing his conscience. Lying about your neighbor is stealing his reputation, his good name. Committing adultery is theft of the worst kind. And the tenth commandment says, "Don't even want to take for yourself that integrity, that honor, that regard that belongs to your neighbor."

But it is my life that I hold as one of my possessions that is second in importance to my conscience. My body comes third (that is the place of habeas corpus in the American Constitution and in British common law.) Both Habeas Corpus and the 14th amendment protect my right to the possession of my own body. My right to speak what is in my heart, my possession of a voice, that sharing with others that which is inside of me, is placed second after freedom of conscience in the Bill of Rights. Whether my voice or my life is more important, I do not know.

God considers my possession of my body to be second to my possession of my own spirit (conscience). For my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and belongs to no other. If I do not possess it fully, I cannot give it to God. And God accepts only that which is freely given.

Do you see how all this works? Americans used to understand these things, but since 1913, almost no one still does.

So why was the Bill of Rights written? Again, this reality is not known, even though it is supremely important.

Tens of thousands of Americans who loved freedom were horror-stricken when the "Constitution" was presented to them to ratify in the legislative assemblies of each newly-independent state. They saw in that Constitution the creation of the awful BEAST that the American government is today. They saw in that Constitution the license to create a monster a thousand times worse than the government of King George ever could be.

There were too many people who opposed this betrayal called "the Constitution" for it to be ratified. Those who opposed it gave their reasons at the legislative assemblies and they wrote those reasons down on paper. Those who had written the Constitution sent out papers giving their reasons why the new government created by the Constitution could be trusted. Both sides have been proven wrong by history. The arguments of those who claimed that the new government could be trusted fell into the dustbin of history long ago as complete and total deception. But the arguments of those who claimed that the new government would be a worse tyrant than King George ever could be were also wrong. That government today is far, far worse than their darkest predictions. It is a Beast.

The Bill of Rights was written by those who OPPOSED the constitution and who OPPOSED the creation of the Federal Government. It was written as a final attempt to wrap chains around that government, to somehow force it to respect people. Those who wanted the Constitution accepted the Bill of Rights only because it was the only way the states would have ratified the Constitution to create the monster that did not stop growing from then until now. By the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, that Constitution and the Bill of Rights restraining it was nothing more than a worthless scrap of paper.

Please bear with me, because the only thing I am interested in is "Members One of Another." But we must understand exactly what that means. This letter will obviously require two parts. But I have a bit further to go before I can come back to the utter regard and respect for one another that is the heart of what Christ is all about.

The Shawnees in their savagery had exactly the same reasons why they should kill the whites as the colonists had to fight King George. They had exactly the same reasons, only far more. If it was "right" for the colonists to kill the British soldiers, by the same argument, it was far more "right" for the Shawnees to be as savage at killing the Europeans and driving them into the sea as they needed to be.

Those Shawnees who kidnapped Mary Ingles and slaughtered her neighbors were truly terrorists. But not as bad as the white terrorists who had done the same and worse to the Shawnees.

To Christ in Mary Ingles, the actions of the Shawnees against her and against those whom she loved had no bearing on the regard and respect, the love, of Christ in her towards them.

Would you have had the same regard and respect for Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein while they were still alive? If not, you really do not know the One who loves inside of you, the One you call "Savior." You really do not know Him.

More than that, if you had the opportunity, would you place your body in between the American soldiers and the Afghanis they are shooting right now because of your deep respect, your high regard, and your love for that Afghani man, bearded, dirty, and smelly? Would you place your body there to take the blow and the death in his place?

If you would not, then you do not know God, you have never experienced Love, and you do not know the Christ who is inside of you. He is there, you just don't know Him. You are under complete deception; you live in total darkness.

You might say, "Well, Daniel Yordy, what about you?"

And my answer would be, "I don't know that I could do that either." And my answer would also be, "Yes, Jesus lives in my heart because He says He does, but I do not know Him, not really; I am under complete deception, and I live in total darkness."

There was a Man, once, who saw it differently. There was a Man, once, who refused to participate in the vicious satanic cycle of "dog eat dog," of beast devouring beast.

They threatened Him with death and He laid down His life. They cried, "If you were truly the Son of God, you would come down off that cross." He said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."

He was the only Man who has ever lived on this earth.

And that one act, of standing between His enemies and the destruction they so richly deserved, broke the curse. That one act saved you and me. We were truly His enemies when He died for us, and in dying, made us His friends. We were truly His enemies, terrorists against all that is holy and good, when He responded to us with utmost respect, with careful and tender regard, with life-laid-down love.

And now, that same One, the only Man ever to live, the Holy One of heaven who lives now in our hearts, though we know Him not, that same One says these words to you and to me:

"Receive one another, just as Christ also received us - Love one another with a pure heart fervently."

I want to keep the same title, "Members One of Another," but in the next part, I want to explore more deeply this high, holy respect and regard for one another, this tender care for one another's heart, this "going out of our way" to make sure each tiny member of Christ knows how highly we respect and regard their heart and the integrity of their person.

And I want to show you how it is that this massive and "violent" revolution is the only thing that will transform this world and change the ages forever.

To think that it will happen because "Jesus" shows up in the sky is as contrary to the nature and determination of God as one can get.

"That they all may be one, (just) as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me."

This is the revolution that will overthrow all darkness and transform the entire universe as God purposed from the beginning.

Sunday 7 March 2010

How Long Will We Remain Ignorant ? - Intellect

This is a post about Different types of Ignorance....

Wilful Ignorance. We chose it. And we choose to remain there. As Stubborn kids.
Well, just before writing this, I have made up my mind. If I sense some wilful ignorance going on in me, I want to be open to change, be open to more of God. So, fasten your seat belts. You wanted more of God came to the right post.

The Meaning of Ignorance
n.) A willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge which one may acquire and it is their duty to have.
(n.) The condition of being ignorant; the want of knowledge in general, or in relation to a particular subject; the state of being uneducated or uninformed.

The Brain is a big box and in some way which we may never understand , our spirit is somehow connected.
Throughout the Bible our component parts are described by these words. Mind.Heart.Spirit. Soul. Will. Then Jesus came along and spoke of us "having ears to hear" and "eyes to see" and clearly not meaning flappy head gear nor fleshy embedded baubles above our nose.

In the last post I made reference to the fact that PETscans, or brain scans show up the areas of our brain that register electrical activity when we are involved in certain activities.
Musicophilia by Oliver Sachs is a fascinating book charting all the neurological cases he has come across that relate to the field of music.

This clip relates to Amusia which is the rare condition of a brain that does not seem to have the ability to make any sense of music at all.

Some of you may be impatient at this point, asking yourselves why is this relevant to my life?Please hang in there.
In my piano showroom I get couples visiting and sometimes there will be one keen to learn piano, and the partner may possibly have an amusia condition, or something along that spectrum.They humour the other one by tagging along, but you know the whole exercise is meaningless to them. Sadly, they may be the main earner, so whereas they think nothing of spending £10,000 or more on water activities (Hayling Island-the birthplace of windsurfing remember) sadly, they will only pay £300 for a cheap secondhand upright piano with me.

Another alternate example. is a Christian artist who is a true Kingdom painter. She comes to our Key of David meetings and main conferences. She once confided that she cannot really listen to Peter Stott for a whole message because after a while she gets verbal overload. She finds if she paints or draws at the same time she is able to take on board what he is saying better. It was her work that was being demonstrated here.

So in discussing ignorance I am going to refer to many aspects of the brain.

The above two examples describe people who do not seem to have capabilities that the majority of us regard as normal. This is how they are. It is a condition. There can be no blame. Schools and education centres need to be increasingly aware that people are different. When it comes to learning, perhaps there is no true "normal", we are all so individual in our approaches.

This article is going to cover a more wilful ignorance. Having been shown there is more, we prefer to turn our head and stick with what we know. Stick within our comfort zone.

First of all the left-brain. Intellect.

Early Pentecostalism in the UK had a much greater effect than current TV historians Simon Sharma and David Starkey realise, spawning an Apostolic movement that preached into areas all over the globe.When I was in Kenya in December 1985 I was surprised how many incommunicable little places had their own Apostolic hut. The reason historians refer to Methodism and not Pentecostalism is that the latter was taken up primarily among the working classes and just does not register on a university radar. History is always shaped by the people in power, so at the moment, because the UK lives under the shadow of a restrictive form of left-brain thought shaped by the Enlightenment, nothing that falls outside of that remit is ever referred to.

In coming years we are going to be honouring a lot of things that have up until now been missed out altogether. This has already started with the Quaker movement, who , in typical God history style, were excluded from power effectively because no member was allowed in Cambridge or Oxford Universities. But instead of curling up and dying, they entered wholeheartedly into the modern 19th Century surge into industrialisation, only a lot of them took a specialised interest in chocolate. So it was we have Frys,Cadburys,the village of Bournville,and many many more. I call this God history, because it is the repeated story. "Left-brain locked" unbelievers exclude God's people, who then by their exclusion become stronger in God, coming up with something new that the rest of the world then comes to them for. This was the story of Joseph in the Old testament. This describes the whole history of the Jews, who have fulfilled scripture, and become a blessing to the whole earth, having rightly risen to prominance in every field of intellectual eminence.
Chenies Baptist church

Some of the largely untold stories in the UK would relate to other God movements such as Darbyism. Another story would be how all Baptist churches had to be built so many hundred feet set back from the road.
Old Town Baptist Church Amersham

So, get this England! Pompous Anglicans behaving like bastards (Bastards in that Anglicanism is a bastard form of the New Covenant, being neither fish nor fowl, neither Catholic nor Non Conformist, neither Jewish nor properly New Covenant) imperiously framed Baptists as Non Conformist, while themselves conducting the child abuse that is taking an ignorant baby and possibly against the child's later will, seeking to enter it into a New Covenant contract with God by the back door! In other words Infant Baptism. The irony is ofcourse that Infant Baptism is totally Non Conformist as far as God's expressed will is concerned. It does not conform to any New Testament scripture anywhere, neither in letter nor in spirit.

Scripture is clear. You repent, believe, then get baptised. One tiny verse which vaguely describes a jailer's household being baptised supports the entire edifice of sixteen hundred years practice.

Only intellects divorced from God's life could ever make such a ballsup of three simple phrases:Repent,believe,be baptised. And this is a good example of the intellect used "in its own right" starts building things that even its own rational evidence and rational process of thought construction won't even support. Which ofcourse has a very dark side to it....namely a very clever philosophical nation like Germany constructing a "logical" edifice that leads to efficiently murdering your own intelligentsia and musicians in its backyard gas ovens!!!

So back to the subject of intellect....

The charismatic movement initiated through Michael Harper here in the UK was a different matter from Pentecostalism. A much greater percentage of those involved were highly educated. You would have thought this was ideal. That David Pawson, David Watson, Jimmy Graham, sorry Dr. James Graham,Roger Price,Tony Morton,Arthur Wallis would have it all. That they would immediately have registered on the radar of university and media life here. But not a bit of it.

Here are two causes.

  • The size of the Enlightenment giants in the land! The strength of the unbelieving left-brain hold over the BBC and universities.

  • The fact that these ministries may have been mature intellectuals, that had experienced baptism in the Spirit, IS NOT THE SAME as mature third level ministries who move deeply in the Spirit of God as well as having clear penetrative insight intellectually. This would also be the case with RT Kendall who after many years of holding out against the charismatic movement while preaching in Westminster Chapel finally had the experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit himself. Another brilliant and eloquent teacher, he simply would not have had a clue how to run a second and third level type meeting. It was not in his training. Had he lived longer, he probably would have made it his priority. He only knew how to run meetings in first level format: A warmed up hymn sandwich!

My background is very similar to Watchman Nee's beginnings. I became terribly depressed after having achieved 11 A's in Dr Challoner's Grammar School at 12 and realising Intellectual Prowess didn't change a bleepin' thing. I still didn't like myself. I didn't gain any more love and affection from anybody. I think my teacher father was in the frame here too. God seemed terribly distant and unreal and early 70s Methodism seemed to be absolute rubbish. Neither belief nor complete unbelief....just a hopelessly confused denomination.

So after conversion and baptism in the Spirit I came to distrust intellectualism. I felt discarded by a Britain that only believed in the left-brain. But having read Watchman Nee's Normal Christian Life,Sit Walk Stand,Release of the Spirit,Song of Songs, I came to see early on that the intellect did have a place, but couldn't quite define how it fit into my new life in Christ.

Evangelicals and Pentecostals of the period largely shunned higher learning, probably because they saw many of their own entering university as Christians and leaving as educated unbelievers. This largely happened with my own first girlfriend. Although only a girlfriend for a while, she was present for all my Christian teen life, so I remember the utter shock that someone who had been deeply impacted by the corporate life of the Fisherfolk as I was, plus party to the tremendous "Key of David" forerunners in our Baptist could she then lose it all and marry a non-Christian? She has since come back to the Lord and been used in worship leading again.

So what then is the right use of the intellect?

Wednesday 24 June 2009

Some thoughts on Cutting The Cord

This is tonight's entry on Facebook by Paul Anderson Walsh and the first two replies.

Cutting the cord
I've been thinking more and more about the believer and his or her relationship to what we call church. It struck me that it might be a bit like a baby's relationship with its umbilical cord. What I mean is that so long as the child is in the womb then the cord plays a vital role...
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Ole Henrik Skjelstad at 19:17 on 24 June
Interesting train of thought. I have been in such a process for a couple of years myself deliberating whether to leave my present church or not. I have tried, without success, the last four years to introduce my pastor to the grace message. It seems to me that God is building an "cyberspace" congregation where the New Covenant truths can flow unimpeded and I feel an urge to be in that torrent.

Bob Lewis at 20:31 on 24 June
I haven't been in the organized religious community or in an organized religious entertainment centre (some people call it church) for 4 or 5 years now. My relationship with the Loed has never been better and I do not miss the church community at all. After all, you and I ARE the church! I have also noticed an amazing increase in the "cyberspace" congregation. People "called out" from virtually every country in the world. God is (as usual) doing an awesome work. Praising and thanking Him.
Much of the material on this blog relates directly to this question of Cutting the Cord.
If you are coming in from the outside you must forgive the jargon I use. Regular blog readers know that my use of first,second and third levels is quite specific, but as the TheoCentric bloglink shows, you can further subdivide the Christian life in just the same way that you might describe the development of our own lives according to say, decades.
But here, and in the Paul Anderson Walsh series of books the definitions of 1 John 2 are used: Children,Young Men,Fathers. These are not sexual definitions. These are Spirit.
Hence Mother Basilea Schlink (Darmstadt,Germany)was one of the Fathers in my personal life. She was one of only a handful of people in the Earth in the 70s to point to a real Biblical understanding of growth in the believer.
Unless we work from these Biblical definitions we will not understand what on earth is going on in our lives, nor have any real shape in our understanding of what church is, what church is for and what limits and boundaries are placed on the function of church.
To further confound people's left-brain understandings...and really you should be leaving these parts of your brain outside by the door for this next bit....
Ezekiel talks about a vision of wheels within wheels...
Nothing describes seasons of growth better.
Simultaneously you have the believer's growth stages
You have the growth stages of a local church expression.
But you also have the macro scale of the Church in the Earth. For centuries, the whole identity of the Church was with getting people saved from hell. In the last century the Pentecostal/Charismatic effusion concerned itself presenting a gospel of power, of signs and wonders to effect miraculous changes here and now on Earth. Actually, the initial foundation had been laid through the Quakers and the Brethren, re-establishing more Biblical patterns of meetings where "Everyone hath a", with which to bless and upbuild other believers.
The third level is I believe upon us now. This is where the whole direction of the church is set to birth Christ in a believer. Not the birth of new birth. This is rather the birth of a fully operational son of God in the Earth, who in his/her turn knows how to reproduce others to the same level. This is unique to our time period.
Further background material can be found in these places on this blog:
So the background to my response about "Cutting the Cord" is described in much detail in the above posts.
I like Frank Viola's angle in his book from Eternity To Here. This is also to be found in Juan Carlos Ortiz's book "Disciple".
The Church is NOT ABOUT US. Although we are in it.
It is not about how we feel.
It is not about whether we enjoy it or not. But if it is conducted in the Holy Spirit we should.
The Church is for the Lord.
As Ortiz described in detail,most churches, if born again at all, are piles of unrelated bricks.
Believers neither really know why they are there. Who they really are. And what their relation to other believers is.
All of us at birth are contaminated with lust...for power, for sex, for things. Baptism in the Spirit
is not the complete antidote. The Birth of Christ in a believer is the antidote. Saul, in the Old Testament was anointed and quickly entered into leadership. David, had anointing...but he had something else too...a heart change...made even greater after the sad episode with Bathsheba.
Churches are presently run by men and women, who many times are not even born again. Or born again yet not baptised in the Spirit. Or baptised in the Spirit but with absolutely no idea that a third level of growth exists, let alone that they are called to impart to others that same Life of Christ.
Jorge Pradas's vision, greatly influenced by Ed Miller, (both in Argentina) is described in his book (in Spanish),"Congregados para darle gloria" "Gathered for the purpose of giving the Lord Glory". This is the Church. It's all about God's glory. It's about gathering around His real Presence. Learning to relate together with a King, a Lord, and Friend.
The Church is unique. When we gather as little as two or three then mystically He is there in our midst. Does this take away from our personal position in Christ? Living as Christ in our forms as us? No. But when we gather as instructed in the Bible some really unique things occur. We are given gifts for one another that are the precise rhema word that we might be needing right now...if only to confirm what God may be speaking to us individually anyway.The Power of the Lord is experienced tangibly. Unbelievers who are present are confronted with what is basically a miracle week by week...."How can such a body of disparate people such as this, all ages, all intelligences,both sexes, all backgrounds, move in such a unified unplanned fashion? Without notes? Without string pulling? Often times with completely new beautiful songs? Or specific words of knowledge about exact conditions and circumstances that could not be known...How can this happen? Especially in today's secular world?"
The problem is the Church is mostly not like that. It is string pulling. It is gathering around one leader's set of skills. It is a pile of unrelated bricks. And very little Presence. Emotion, yes. Overhead projection. Maybe a worship band. But that's not what I have described above is it?
And so anyway. This is the difficult thing for Free Believer's on the internet and this is the difficult thing for members of what I call large "warehouse churches", particularly in USA, Australia and now in the UK.
Size in itself is not a problem. But are the Biblical components for growth there for you in that warehouse church? The ones I've described to get you growing supernaturally.
To "Free Believers", pulling away from a church to establish yourselves in a more 3D relationship with God, is not in itself implausible. I had to go that way. Actually, most of the Bible characters seemed to go that way. So it's not like we are unique here.
But what is important is to get the complete overview. The answer to bad church is not no is good church. And this last sentence presents a challenge to both sides of the divide:"Free Believers" and "Warehouse Christians".
Good church runs in the Melchizedek order. The Lord of the Universe runs it. He does use His own ministry giftings to achieve certain ends....but the end is ALWAYS this.
Jesus wants to live His Life through you as you. Exactly as he originally made you, before sin snaffled some of your divine image. There...just there....ministry giftings tail away into insignificance....because....hush now....the believer is in Union with his or her Christ. And what they get up to, like in a marriage frankly no business of just back away, whistling to yourself, just as if you are not there. Got it? That is the Jesus Pattern of Ministry. So so so so far from anything out there today.
Good church has the Presence of the Living God. And frankly, no one has a clue what He'll get up to next.
Good church somehow gets over the problem of cutting the Cord.
In Song of Solomon, the first time watchmen are mentioned, it's great. Like a good secondlevel church experience, they are there to feed and upbuild a believer. Next time they are mentioned, you're having your clothes ripped off you, being paraded around in the road for heaven's sake!!!
What's that about?
That's about cutting the cord! Or the other analogy some 3rd level teachers used (now the International Ministry Association or IMA, look them up on Wikipedia) is that of an eagle stirring up a nest of baby eagles.....Time to fly little ones!!! "But I like the nest!" "Sorry, but it's time to fly! Oh, did I just push you all out? How clumsy of me!!"
If this was just theory, well it would be a bit one-sided.
From 1978-84 in particular Emsworth church (near Portsmouth UK ) were experimenting how you run meetings in the Presence of God. Also how you train up young people in ministry. What we carried was a bit of the divine DNA about how you do meetings. How people are transformed from one level of glory to another by beholding the face of the Living God in meetings. Emsworth was pretty useless at the time on articulating growth in terms of the epistles, but in terms of hands on experience it was an incredible time.
In the last few years, Peter Stott and others in the church here in Havant (next door to Emsworth) have been pursuing a similar course under the title "Key of David " meetings. (More background here) This, and the fact that several locals were all present for some of the Lakeland Florida Outpouring last year (do a blog search on Florida Outpouring),
has actually meant huge changes to how we do even main meetings here. Perhaps our smaller size helps.
Finally, in thinking around this topic of Cutting the Cord...remember a relationship is a symbiotic union. Its 2 way. For good or for bad. Whether healthy or unhealthy.
2nd level churches are only successful because people willingly go there. They are defined by a leader or leadership team that require your submission to them. They usually require your money, in a very predetermined amount. And if you fulfil your side of the bargain, they will provide you with one, two or three hours godly entertainment and teaching, and maybe signs and wonders, in the case of those with outstanding anointing.
But never forget. You willingly gave yourself into this. It's not one way. Like an abusive relationship, the battered spouse is secretly and wondrously drawn to that powerful macho figure that beats her up.
So there is both a cutting of the cord from a healthy situation, just as a teenager gradually moves ever further out from his or her family home. And there is the cutting of the Cord from an abusive church situation that forever wants to keep you as pew fodder, digesting the same cycle of sermons, about things that have little or no revelation value, so as to make you grow supernaturally. Cutting this type of cord, has greater, more fearful repercussions, because you are pulling away from status quo land, where you may continue in great personal bondage for years, without you or others being aware....until you seek to make steps to following your Bridegroom more actively.